The Basics Of Juicing Wheatgrass

Unhygienic oral health may lead to bleeding gums. Gingivitis is one of the major causes of bleeding gums. Poor oral hygiene results in the formation of sticky white substance known as plaque. The bacteria produce toxins which may irritate your gums causing swelling and redness of your gums. Bleeding of gums may also be caused by scurvy, leukemia, vitamin deficiency, infection, brushing too hard and hormonal changes in pregnancy. It is important to treat it on time otherwise your tooth will finally decay and fall off. There are several home remedies for bleeding gums which can be practiced regularly.

But for many folks it is hard to add in 5 servings of vegetables a day as recommended by the government. An easy remedy to that is to drink WheatGrass Powder. Wheatgrass is more alkaline than any plant known to man!

You can find wheatgrass juice from most health stores. And you don't need much to make a difference. Wheatgrass can be consumed in tablet and powder form but the juice is the best as it is the easiest way for assimilation.

It has been used in the treatment of patients who have been diagnosed with terminal illnesses such as cancer: Ann Wigmore put wheatgrass on the map in the 1970s with her wheatgrass retreats where her and her colleagues helped people with terminal cancer return to health by having daily high doses of fresh wheatgrass juice.

By far the simplest juicer is the REAMER. It is used to extract juice from citrus fruit such as oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines, and grapefruit. A fruit that has been sliced in half, but still retains its peel, is compressed against a slowly revolving ridged cone. This pressure against the fruit causes the juice to be expelled and collected. MANUAL REAMERS do the same job, but powered by your muscles. Finally, a PRESS squeezes the juice out of the fruit in the same manner as how a garlic press works; the juice flows out as the pulp is extruded.

If you're still using a regular blender to make your recipe, add liquids to the blender first so they don't bind the frozen fruit and get it stuck. It is for this reason that smoothie makers are preferred for making smoothies.

Eating the right foods is the most important way to nourish our bodies. We can easily get into the habit of eating the same foods all the time. It is so important to vary our diets in order to ensure we are getting more of a variety of nutrients.

A word of caution if you're new to juicing wheatgrass. Because of its strong cleansing effects, consume a little of read more it throughout the day - just like many things, take a little at a time for the best effects. Don't drink it on an empty stomach and if you have a sensitive stomach, consider drinking wheatgrass juices every second day to start out. You'll still enjoy the benefits of wheatgrass and you'll find that over a short period of time, you'll be able to drink it every day.

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